About Me

I have experienced many highs and lows throughout my life, and it certainly has been one of despair, sadness, and frustration in my past. It has also been one of excitement, adventure, and joy.

Years ago, at a very low point in my life, I was struggling with serious health issues and knew things had to change. My fear was I would not be around to see my grandchildren grow up unless I changed my mindset.  It was that thought process that started my journey of self-discovery and personal development, one that I will never regret.

The fear and uncertainty I felt taking that very first step towards change, not knowing what my future was going to look like – I trusted in my faith to get me through my fears. I wanted so much more for my life than all the pain I was experiencing.

Sometimes I reflect on how far I have come on my journey, I am grateful for all I have, and all I have experienced including all the challenges along the way, those challenges have been my greatest lessons.

I made a promise I would always strive towards being the best version of myself that I can be. I have learned to love life, am more connected with my inner being, and found peace within. I have the tools to get me through tough times and have more clarity around who I am and why I am here.

For me, it is a never-ending journey. I look forward to looking back again in 5 years’, re-evaluating (as I will do each year) – see the changes I have made and what changes, goals, and dreams I will be aiming for next, and how I have changed my life since this moment in time. Learning new skills, making improvements in my life where and when needed to become the best I can be.

Has my journey been worth it so far? Absolutely!

What was my driving force?  My “determined and never give up” attitude towards a better life.

I used to wonder why some people survive, and others struggle through life?  We all deal with challenges from time to time, and people are afraid to make changes, but change is part of life.

Understanding that, we all have choices, and it is up to each one of us to take responsibility for our lives and our results.

Why I Do
What I Do

I chose to become a life coach because of my story and the struggles I faced.  I know how lonely and devastating it is when you feel there is no hope.  I worked through the difficult challenges I faced and discovered what worked and what didn’t and just kept chipping away so I could feel the peace and happiness that I wanted.

The reality is everyone deals with challenges from time to time. When you have someone that can walk beside you and support you through those tough times, you gain the confidence and clarity to map out a better life for yourself and those around you. That’s why I love to help other people find happiness the way YOU want, NOT by someone else’s’ standard.

I was able to turn my world around to a more loving and peaceful life.  You then start to see the beauty around you and become more grateful for all that you are and have.

Love affection and belonging are basic human needs, but sadly many don’t feel that in their life.

I have the skills, knowledge, and experience to guide others to come out on the other side of that emotional roller coaster.  I encourage you to courageously make that choice of stepping forward on your journey for a better life.  

YOU deserve to live an Extraordinary life!

Live YOUR Dreams – NOT Someone else’s

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