Tips on How to Be Inspired
Do you go to bed with every intention, of waking the next morning feeling refreshed and looking forward to a positive day?
And then you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or, someone makes a negative comment and your intention of having a good day starts becoming a bad day.
That was me this morning. It was a hot night and my fan decided enough was enough and stopped working. As a consequence, I woke up tired hot and a little worse for wear.
“So, how do you turn that negativity around as quickly as it started?”
BE INSPIRED – take a few minutes to inspire yourself, and get back on track to a positive mindset, setting the tone for the rest of the day.
You need that lift to get you started focusing on a positive mindset.
“How did I turn my morning around to feeling positive and inspired?”
Simply by doing some deep breathing connecting with my heart space and then listening to an inspirational song on YouTube to get me back feeling gratitude.
The song which I chose was a Josh Groban song called “You Raise Me Up.” The children singing have amazing talent. This song always puts me in a positive mindset.
I am so inspired by the talent today in our world, by our incredible young people.
Just beautiful!
If ever I am feeling down or stressed, I like to shift my energy into a higher vibration and watching a video such as the one above does that for me.
Years ago, I didn’t know how to handle negativity or my stress levels, which only made the situation worse as well as affecting those around me.
Thankfully, I have changed so much since those times due to all the inner work I have done. I know how to ask myself powerful questions and check in with my emotions and then change my thinking if required.
So many people today are not aware of how stress can affect everything in their life. People can also be in denial of how stressed they are, or in fact, denial that they are even stressed at all, which only adds to their chaos.
Stress can cause debilitating disease or illness on your body. Being aware of your stress levels is the first step in the process of knowing how to handle them, and gives you the advantage of changing your health, relationships, and so much more for the better.
At certain times it may not be appropriate for you to do some journal writing. Listening to inspiring music helps towards a positive mindset until you are alone for self-reflection and jotting your thoughts down.
When you have the right tools and understand how to handle negativity and your stress levels, you can focus more quickly on what is important for you in your life.
You may also want to try some of the following to see what works for you:
- Watch You Tube such as a funny video, or a baby laughing.
- Hug someone.
- Cuddling your pet and focus just on the two of you at that moment.
- Taking a shower to visualize the water washing away all the negative feelings, and appreciate all you have in your life.
- Practice deep breathing.
- Listen to an inspirational Meditation CD or video.
- Write about your feelings in a journal.
- Sit outside and enjoy watching the birds or the breeze blowing in the trees.
From time to time, I will post inspirational videos or quotes on my website, to help you get back feeling grateful and feeling that love within again.
“Begin every day, expecting that something great is going to happen today. Go and chase your dreams and make them a reality – see the magic unfold.” ~ Joan Lawrence
If you are ready to take the next step forward to positive changes in your life and would like to know how then please contact me here.
I hope you enjoy the video clip.
Have an amazing day!